How Medical Ozone Therapy Can Reduce Neuropathy Symptoms

How Medical Ozone Therapy Can Reduce Neuropathy Symptoms

Nov 15, 2021

If you are fortunate, then you might not be familiar with the common manifestations of neuropathy. However, if you are one of the 20 million Americans affected by this condition each year, then you are probably well aware of the pain and discomfort that is common with this neurological disorder. Neuropathy is a dysfunction of the Nervous System and can cause a considerable disruption to daily life.

The Nervous System is the body’s complex communications structure with nerves acting as circuit wires. These nerves create a network, allowing messages and signals to be transmitted throughout the body to perform particular functions. Much like a telephone or computer system, when there is a disruption in this communications network- problems arise in the body! Neuropathy, also known as Peripheral Neuropathy, is one of the most common problems to occur.

Types of Peripheral Nerve Damage 

There are three types of nerves that make up the Peripheral Nervous System. Since each type of nerve serves its own purpose and function, symptoms in the body may differ depending on which type of nerve is suffering impairment. The three types of Peripheral Nerves are: Sensory Nerves, Motor Nerves, Autonomic Nerves.

So, what causes this disruption of the nervous system?

Nerve damage and subsequent pain can be due to a number of factors both extrinsic and intrinsic. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Aging
  • Bodily Trauma (accidents, sports related injury, medical procedures, etc.)
  • Repetitive Motion (Carpal Tunnel, Bursitis, Tendonitis, etc.)
  • Diseases and Disorders (inflammation, cancer, autoimmune disease, viral/ bacterial infection, etc.)
  • Environmental Toxin Exposure (medications, drug and/or alcohol abuse, industrial contaminants, etc.)

When a nerve endures injury or trauma, there is usually scarring in the localized area which then restricts circulation. This restriction affects the nerve’s ability to heal itself due to a buildup of scar tissue, creating a chronic condition of neuropathy.

Oxygen utilization is also decreased due to the restriction of circulation. When oxygen is not properly utilized in the body, we see an increase in free radical damage, more lactic acid production and areas of chronic degeneration. This is partly due to the inability of vital nutrients and oxygen being delivered to the area of nerve impairment. This creates a chronic cycle of pain and inflammation.

Fortunately, several Ozone therapies can offer a safe and effective treatment strategy by addressing the root cause of many peripheral neuropathies.

What is Ozone and How Does it Help Treat Neuropathy? 

Ozone therapy, also known as O3, has been used by medical professionals for over 30 years. Containing 3 oxygen atoms instead of 2, these 3 atoms all share the same electrons. Ozone is a super oxygen and considered the medicine of the future. The positive effects of medical ozone can be attributed to increased oxygen delivery, immune activation, enhanced blood circulation and high antioxidant activity. In addition, the presence of Ozone increases oxygen utilization to the area which promotes healing and restores function to the impaired area.

Prolozone Therapy 

This therapy offers a safe and efficacious solution to peripheral neuropathy when the neuropathy is due to a regional injury.

How It’s Done:

Prolozone Therapy offers an integrative solution that quickly relieves pain and regenerates nerve tissue over a course of several treatments. Prolozone combines regenerative Prolotherapy with therapeutic Ozone to fight nerve damage and chronic inflammation. During the Prolozone treatment, Ozone is injected into the treatment area to help stimulate fibroblast activity, break up scar tissue and increase blood supply to the area. The results are safe and long-lasting!

When paired with prolotherapy, Ozone is minimally invasive and activates your body’s stem cells which aid in tissue regeneration. Ozone is injected directly to the affected tissue around the damaged nerve which activates your body’s defense system sequentially fighting cell damage caused by free radical damage and chronic inflammation.

What To Expect 

Multiple Prolozone treatments are usually needed for full recovery, and patients can expect a minimum of four weekly treatments for pain relief. Dr Kaplan uses Ultrasound visual guidance to ensure safe and precise injection. Ideal candidates include but are not limited to those suffering from nerve pain in the hands, feet, arms, legs, and groin area. A suitable treatment for anyone experiencing neuropathy; Prolozone is both safe and effective without risk of injury or allergic response.

Intravenous Ozone (Major Autohemotherapy) 

Intravenous ozone is a fantastic option for those suffering from peripheral neuropathies caused by systemic illness such as diabetes, and autoimmune conditions, as well as systemic nerve injuries such as seen with cancer related chemo and radiation therapies.

How It’s Done:

An IV is placed in the arm and the blood is drawn into a sealed sterile container. It is then injected with pressurized ozone. When ozone hits the blood, it quickly breaks up into peroxide and oxygen. As this peroxide and blood mixture is slowly infused back into the body, it starts to perform a multitude of healing functions that can last from days to weeks and facilitate nerve repair. These include general reduction of inflammation and increased energy production of the small nerves in the arms and legs. There is also an increased oxygenation of these nerves. These changes allow the nerves to start repairing.

If you are searching for a safe, non-operative solution to peripheral nerve pain, then Prolozone Therapy and ozone Major Autohemotherapy may be for you. Inquire now to learn more about this Integrative Therapy and how it can help you regain strength and break the chronic pain cycle once and for all.

For more information, please visit

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