Regional Deep Tissue Hyperthermia services offered in Buffalo, NY

At OWM regional deep tissue hyperthermia with Thermofield is used to treat multiple conditions. Deep tissue hyperthermia is achieved with radio frequency energy. This type of heat is able to penetrate as deep as six centimeters.

The benefits of deep tissue hyperthermia are numerous. Most importantly, hyperthermia activates our bodies natural healing mechanisms which can then promote repair as well as fight off cancer and infections.

Deep Tissue Hyperthermia is not FDA-approved as a therapy for cancer and is used as an adjunct to conventional cancer therapy at OWM. 10-12 treatments are recommended for pain management performed twice a week for 30 minutes with a maintenance treatment performed every six to twelve months—10-12 treatments are recommended for pain management performed twice a week for 30 minutes with a maintenance treatment performed every six to twelve months.

Studies on deep tissue hyperthermia have shown numerous benefits:

  • Increased circulation  – in the injured tissue, joint, or nerve promotes faster healing and pain reduction.

How is OWM’s Thermofield deep tissue hyperthermia different? 

For vaginal and pelvic floor rejuvenation OWM’s patented Thermofield treatments are 50% to 100% less expensive and transfer nearly 700 times more energy into the tissue than wand-based applicators. 

For pain conditions OWM’s patented Thermofield treatments achieve higher and more consistent therapeutic temperatures than its competitors without risk of burns or tissue injury.


Regional Deep tissue hyperthermia is applied with a Thermofield device.

  • A pad is applied to the target area that is connected to the Thermofield by a wire and the desired heat temperature is set
  • Thermofield monitors and maintains a constant temperature of the tissue treated 
  • Multiple areas can be treated by rotating the pad to the desired area and treating that area for 30 to 45 minutes

For cancer:
10-12 treatments are recommended for tumor control performed twice a week for 45 minutes. Treatments are frequently continued beyond 12 sessions until either remission or optimal tumor control is achieved. The treatment is essentially painless and is very well tolerated

For joint and nerve pain conditions:
2 – 30 minutes treatments weekly for four weeks with maintenance every 3-6 months for pain control.

For vaginal health and pain conditions:
2 – 30 minutes treatments weekly for four weeks with maintenance every 3-6 months for pain control.


  • Cancer supportive therapy – Increased circulation in solid tumors promotes activation of the body’s immune defense system against the tumor, and better penetration of targeted chemotherapy and radiation therapy into the tumor
  • Direct tumor cell death

Joint Pain

  • Promotes healing of cartilage, ligament, and tendon
  • Reduces joint inflammation
  • Reduces joint stiffness and pain
  • Promotes nerve repair
  • Reduces nerve pain

Pelvic Health and Deep Tissue Hyperthermia Therapy

  • Reduces pelvic pain in chronic pain syndromes
    Reduces pain in pudendal neuralgia

Vaginal Health and Deep Tissue Hyperthermia Therapy

  • Strengthens pelvic floor muscle 
  • Reduces the size of the labia and tightens the vagina
  • Improvement of stress urinary incontinence Improved vaginal lubrication
  • Improved sexual function and satisfaction
  • Heightened orgasmic response
  • Increased collagen and elastin production restores healthy skin tone

Prostate Health: BPH Regional Deep Tissue Hyperthermia

  • Reduces prostate inflammation 
  • Improves urinary flow
  • Reduces prostate-related pain
  • Improves erectile function


Deep tissue hyperthermia with Thermofield allows for deep heat penetration without heating the skin, which prevents skin burns.

Heat tolerance is developed after a few sessions, allowing for faster heating of the tissue and a longer therapeutic heating window with subsequent sessions.

Continuous monitoring of the target tissue temperature prevents burning or injury of the area treated.

What to know before you go 

Regional deep tissue hyperthermia is an effective natural healing modality for a variety of conditions that include joint pain, nerve pain, benign prostatic hyperplasia, vaginal health, shrinking of solid tumors, and sensitizing solid tumors for chemotherapy.

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